Zest Consult works closely with the Defence sector to maximise situation awareness, optimise procurement activities and use new technologies in the most effective way. We’re passionate about integrating advanced CCTV and artificial intelligence systems into Defence settings whilst ensuring that existing technology is used to its full potential.
Working through the Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) run by the Ministry of Defence, we’re here to help you explore how machine learning and other AI models can be further integrated into the sector to create a safer world for everyone.
Over the years our specialist areas have enabled Defence departments and security companies to improve performance, increase safety, secure their data and set bold new objectives. Click below to explore our services.
As a G-Cloud contractor, Zest Consult can work on the full spectrum of Government Framework contracts. We also have relationships with other organisations with large defence contracts that be utilised to procure our services. If you’re looking for a technology consultancy partner that can handle any scale of Government Framework contract, we’re here to provide everything you need to achieve digital transformation.
We’re passionate about supporting the Defence sector through technology consultancy and the development of bespoke CCTV systems, artificial intelligence solutions and situation awareness strategies. To find out more, get in touch through our contact form.